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tAtB tCtD tEtF tGtH tItJ tKtL tMtN tOtP tQtR tStT tUtV tWtX tYtZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
triangle 36
VAT +triangle 25
triangle 22
VATSAL SILK MILLS +triangle 26, 35, 36, 40
VATTNA +triangle & ovals 32
VAUDE +triangle 18, 20, 22, 25
VAUDE +triangle & oval 18, 22, 25
VAVASI +triangle & ovals 38
VB +triangle 9, 16
VBG +triangle & swastika 11
VBG +swastik triangle circl 14, 33
VC +flask & triangle 1
VC VINDIA +triangle 9
VCC AYURVEDA +tree triangle 44
VCS +circle & triangle 7
VDE +triangle 7, 9, 11
VE +triangle 9, 12
VE +globe & triangle 25
VE VOLGO +triangle 7
VECTOR +arrow & triangle 35
VECTUS +triangle 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42
VED +circle & triangle 6
VEE-POWER +triangle stripes 9
triangle 24
VEENA +triangle 7, 11
VEF TREND +triangle 25
VEHICLEADES +flags triangle 12
VELAN +triangle & circle 7
VELCADE +triangle & arc 5
VELIRS +triangle 42
VELMAX +triangle 25
VELMONT +triangle 12
VENEER POINT +triangle 6
VENJARA carpets +triangle 27
VENTURE STEELS +triangle 6
VENUS +triangle 20
VENUS GARMENTS +triangle 35
VENUS UNIFORMS U +triangle 25
VENWOODS +triangle 19
VERATRONIKS +triangle squar 9
VERIMARK V +triangle 35
VERITAS +triangle 9, 16, 42
VERITAZ +triangle & sun 5
VERSA TILE +triangle 19
VERSATEL +triangle 16
VERTEX +triangle 5, 7, 16, 42
VERVE +circle & triangle 32
VESTNER +triangle 7
VETRY +hand triangle arrows 7
VEW +triangle & cogwheel 7
VF +triangle & stripes 3, 16
VF VENKATAVAN +triangle 36
VF VENUS FABRICS +triangle 24
VG IMAX +triangle & square 25
VG VERMA GROUPS +triangle 42
VI +triangle 19
VIBRANCE +triangle & arrow 44
VIBRANT ZONE +triangle 42
VIBRATIONS +circle triangle 9
VIBSON +triangle & stripes 9
VICKS +triangle 3, 5, 30
VICKS +triangle & square 3, 5, 30
VICKS SINEX +triangle 5
VIDEO CHASKA +triangle 38
VIDYA POSHAK +triangle book 36
triangle 41
VIDYATECH +triangle 9
VIETCOMBANK +triangle 36
VIEW TV +triangle & square 38
VIEW laboratories +triangle 5
VIJAY +tree & triangle 19, 20
VIJAY tv +horse & triangle 9, 16
VIJEN DIGI +triangle 9
VIJRAH +triangle & globe 35
VIKAS GROUP +triangle 37
VIKRAM +triangle 9
VILCOLAB +circle & triangle 5
VILLAGE roadshow +triangle 16
VILLAITALIA +triangle 42
VINAYAK GROUP +triangle 36, 37
VINEYARD HOMES +triangle 36
triangle 37
VINSI +triangle 24
VINTAGE +triangle 17
VINTAGE +triangle & arrow 21
VINTELS +triangle 38
VINU'S +triangle 30
triangle 1
VINZ +triangle 25
VIP +circle triangle square 7
VIPAT +triangle 4
VIPPY'S +man & triangle 30
VIPRA +triangle & arcs 11
VIPRA +triangle & oval 9
VIPUL DYE CHEM +triangle ar 2
VIRAL +triangle 36, 37, 38, 39, 43
VIRAL enterprise +triangle 35
VIRAT ply & board +triangle 19
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